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ShipperCRM + We're In The Arena

Hello and happy Tuesday!
I hope you all are doing well. BTW, I read and respond to as many emails as I can, so reach out anytime. You can reply to this email.
I’ve decided to mix things up and reformat the newsletter this week to be short and without fluff.
1) We have 2 events in the LOST FR8 Discord this week:
Tuesday, 9pm EST: ShipperCRM is demoing during Tech Bro Tuesday.
Wednesday, 9pm EST: Cameron Robertson, CEO of 3PL Systems, is In The Arena.
2) I have 2 please advise hats left (last week I said I had 3, I actually had 6 lol)
3) We’ve got an awesome tool for carriers at lostfr8.com. In the same way that I’ve built an email list here and send you weekly notes, carriers can use lostfr8.com to build an email list and easily send a truck list. If you know any carriers, you can refer them to us.
4) Here is a funny meme